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Four Roller Fairleads FA4 Universal Fairlead Roller DIN81902

Place of Origin: China
Standard: DIN81902
Type: Universal Fairlead Roller
Model: FA4
Design: 4- rollers
Design: for one rope
Material: Weldable steel plates
Certificate:IACS certificate available
Surface: with anti-corrosion protective finish

Product Description

  Four Roller Fairleads FA4 Universal Fairlead Roller DIN81902

DIN81902 Universal Fairlead Roller product description

Introduction of DIN81902 Universal Fairlead Roller FA4

As the name indicates, FA4 universal fairlead roller is a type of fairleads with 4 rollers, has 2 vertical rollers and 2 horizontal rollers in a standard design. This type of fairlead roller is designed for one rope application and can be mounting free on deck,or welding into the bulwark.

FA4 Rollers with bronze-steel bearing and grease lubrication and finished with epoxy primer coating.

A full range size of FA4 universal fairlead roller are offered to suit different mooring applications, either standard designed or custom made, e.g to suit extreme inboard or outboard angles of mooring line, fairlead can

be executed with extra vertical roller and for expanding fairlead, also additional horizontal roller can be applied.

DEYUAN MARINE supplies a comprehensive range of fairleads certified by different classification societies like CCS, ABS, LR, BV, DNV, NK etc.

  • ISO13733 Universal Roller Fairlead with upper roller

  • ISO13742 Universal Roller Fairlead without upper roller

  • JIS F2020 Deck End Rollers

  • JIS F 2026-80 Universal Fairlead Rollers, type A

  • JIS F 2026-80 Universal Fairlead Rollers, type BR

  • DIN81902 Universal Fairlead Rollers, type FA4

  • DIN81902 Roller Fairleaders, type FA6

  • DIN81902 Roller Fairleaders, type FB7

  • DIN81902 Roller Fairleader, type FB10

  • CB/T 3062 Fairlead Roller

  • CB/T 3139 St.Lawrene Roller

  • CB3015 Engineering Fairlead

FA4 Universal Fairlead Roller DIN81902 technical parameters

DIN81902 Universal Fairlead Roller FA4

Type Rope Dia. Mass  SWL
(mm) A B C D E F L (kgs) (Kn)
FA4- 12 12 180 100 650 80 446 170 356 75 50
FA4-16 16 230 130 800 100 546 210 446 130 88
FA4-20 20 250 130 900 120 626 250 506 220 140
FA4-24 24 280 160 1000 140 716 290 576 330 354
FA4-32 32 300 160 1200 180 836 366 676 580 450
FA4-40 40 320 180 1350 245 1030 500 830 1100 810
FA4-48 48 400 250 1700 300 1236 610 1016 2210 1000
FA4-52 52 459 280 1800 324 1340 660 1120 2510 1100

4 roller universal fairlead rollers

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