Silver Ion Sterilizer

Product Description

Silver Ion Sterilizer
Before consuming drinking water it has to be disinfecte,two ways are commonly used to sterilize the potable water onboard,one is UV-sterilisation, but the disadvantage with this method is  that it only is effective when the UV light is applied upon the water,the other one is silver ions  sterilisation. Silver ions do not add taste, smell or change the water in any other means. As long as the  concentration of silver ions is present in the water, there will be no bacteria in the water  distribution system or in the storage tank.

Sterilization Capacity
0 - 10 m3/h water @ 0.1ppm silver ion concentration (max 0.5A / max 48V / max 20W).
0 - 25 m3/h water @ 0.04ppm silver ion concentration.
Maximum capacity is reduced by low water temperatures and/or low water conductivity, see section 8 Performance diagram for details.
Maximum capacity is also reduced if the control unit is exposed to excessive heat.


Product Inquiry

Marine Silver Ion Sterilizer

Ags-15 Silver Ion Sterilizer